Saturday, August 14, 2010


We just finished our tours friday. Thanks EVERYONE who came out to see us. We had ALOT of great shows. We can only hope for more in the future.


Aug 6th (fri) - Eau Claire, WI
Aug 7th (sat) - Minneapolis, MN
Aug 9th (mon) - Madison WI
Aug 10th (tue) - Madison WI
Aug 11th (wed) - Appleton. WI
Aug 13th (fri) - Green Bay, WI

Now we are on to a few showers + finishing our record. then it on to the next one (tour that is)


Sunday, June 13, 2010

A Pic o two from a bit ago...

...a few pictures from our show in Eau Claire. Check out our friends blog for other pics + a more detail report on the evening.


Monday, May 24, 2010

the weekened, soon....

Never been to this side of the state before

Monday, April 5, 2010

a show (Myles Material)


For anyone interested in a road trip:

Recently I have begun to perform my[les] solo material in public. My backing band, The Rusty Nickel Band, is... ALL of AIHA. So if your interested in see Animals perform a slightly different form of folk/pop music then this show (or other Rusty Nickel shows) would be the time to do such an exercise.

I hope to see ya there.

Q: Will the rest of Animals EVER start to post on this blog??
A: Most likely... NOT PROBABLE.

-Myles Coyne

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Acoustic Show last Saturday

Our show at Ariya's home Saturday was as grand of a time as we could have. Large turn out, resectable crowd, great performers, ALOT of funny stories, and the cops busted the party (next door to use).

Our friend Spencer Wells music blog. He took some great photos. CHECK OUT HIS BLOG for a video of the show and more pics.


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Acosutic/Myles Album preview/birthday Show!!

On the Evening of March 20th, 2010 an acoustic show will be taking place a the home of Ariya Indalecio's.

Here is the FB event page (locations address found here)


Performers Include (in no set order)

Jamie Yanda of Arto fame

Our own Jack Tell as a solo event (but ya never know)

and myself, Myles Coyne


Not only will we be having a splendid performances but I will also be selling a MINNY RELEASE of my MYLES COYNE SOLO material. These selected tracks are form my upcoming self-release album: YOU ARE NOT ALONE



After the nights scheduled guests we will have a open mic to anyone interested in performing!!
So come, bring a friend, enjoy some local music, and then contribute to the fun.

+ Plus my birthday is March 26. So we're just throwing in it their to!!

-Myles Coyne

Saturday, February 27, 2010

SWING STATE 3 (three) 1+1+1= times we hav played!!!

AIHA just played at Swing State for the thrid time. It was a great time! We played our new "PIRATE ROCK SONG" (it will have a real name someday) and and old solo tune GIRAFFES (with me on glock!!) Shy Guy Say even made it out for the set, we love them.

Justin Miller, our percussionist didn't make it to the show. He has joined the Zapatista Army in Mexica. He was very missed at the show

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Some upcoming Shows...

Feb 16, 2010 9pm - The Frequency - Madison WI (+21)

Feb 26, 2010 9pm - Swing State - Lake Villa, IL (+arto)

March 20, 2010 - Oconomowoc High Scholl - Oconomowoc, WI

May 1. 2010 - Spring Fest - Rippon, WI (GO TO THIS ONE)


Monday, January 25, 2010


hello everyone this is jack
it turns out nathan is on crack
yup lots of crack and he wrote that tour was happening july 11th when its actually june 11th. haha sorry nate that was kinda mean....
anyways were gonna be playing a shit ton of shit shows in the next couple months so be sure to come to one and get shit on like crazy holy shit this is gonna be fun!
im exited!!!!!! and by shit shows i mean totally awesome fucking gnarly ass shit going down. itll make you wanna make someone make you do something!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Hello Friends and Animals Alike

As you may already know, the band has begun their voyage into the alleged real world as we all part from our beloved college of MMI. Time to crack out the old whip and bust our chops (guitar, drums, keys, etc.) for the open road will soon be crying for mercy, well at least on July 11th when we begin our midwest tour. Have no fear however, our next show will be at The Frequency downtown Madison on February 16th where there will be ass to be kicked and names to be taken. So please make it out to our show so we can kick your ass, and if you enjoy it enough we'll take your name too. More on the name part later, peace.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Friday, January 15, 2010


Well here it is, the first post on this new ANIMALS IN HUMAN ATTIRE blog!! we hope this blog will slowly blossom with activity form our "scene" (if there is such a thing) in the coming future.
Feel free to drop by for band related new, funny posts, and whatever comes to the bands minds at the moments of posting TELL YOU FRIENDS!!!!

Example of the fun times you could share with us!!
Wait till the end of the video for the group "BANG GUN POSE" moment. I enjoyed it so much I cried.

