Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Acosutic/Myles Album preview/birthday Show!!

On the Evening of March 20th, 2010 an acoustic show will be taking place a the home of Ariya Indalecio's.

Here is the FB event page (locations address found here)


Performers Include (in no set order)

Jamie Yanda of Arto fame

Our own Jack Tell as a solo event (but ya never know)

and myself, Myles Coyne


Not only will we be having a splendid performances but I will also be selling a MINNY RELEASE of my MYLES COYNE SOLO material. These selected tracks are form my upcoming self-release album: YOU ARE NOT ALONE



After the nights scheduled guests we will have a open mic to anyone interested in performing!!
So come, bring a friend, enjoy some local music, and then contribute to the fun.

+ Plus my birthday is March 26. So we're just throwing in it their to!!

-Myles Coyne

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